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Reference Material

Links to other resources and support material referred to in this site



New Scientist: 18th February 2006 issue “Slippery ships float on thin air” by Tim Thwaites


Utne magazine The Good Ship New "impellers" -- modeled on natural spirals -- could help green the shipping industry —By Chuck Terhark, Utne magazine, July / August 2005 Issue


Link to the Wikipedia entry for Viktor Schauberger. At the time of writing (June 2007) there is a dispute about some of the information contained in this page and it is a bit thin. I suggest you follow some of the links provided for a real understanding of this remarkable man.


Link to the Wikipedia’s explanation of how fish swim (in June 2007, it mostly explains that fish use their tail fins to generate trust)


Link to An Efficient Swimming Machine paper as featured in the March 1995 edition of Scientific American (by Michael S. Triantafyllou and George S. Triantafyllou)


Link to James C. Liao's paper  in 2004  "Neuromuscular control of trout swimming in a vortex street: implications for the energy economy during the Karman gait" June 2004.


Link to a supplier of the book Living Energies by Callum Coats.  It’s a great book, quite technical though. Callum kindly allowed permission for us of one of his diagrams for this site.



Link to the Ichthyology Web Resources website. There’s a great animation of swimming fish but of crucial importance is that, (as at June 2007) the vortices are shown revolving the wrong way round.


Link to an article about the paper “Leading-Edge Vortex Lifts Swifts” about birds using vortices to generate lift which was published in Science in December 2004. To read the Science version you have to pay this link should take you to a free version

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